Dear Benedict, Hey, friend. Just a warning before you delve into what I’m certain will be an all-over-the-map sort of missive – my thoughts are not very organized into the little cohesive set of files I prefer them to be. … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, Hey, friend. It’s been far too long since I’ve tapped out a letter to you. Truth be told, it’s been far too long since I’ve done much typing or writing or creating of any kind. Apologies. I’ve been … Read the rest→
This week’s Friday theme is about humor and laughter and smiles. Or at least that’s how I interpreted the theme. It’s no secret here in the kasbah that I get a ridiculous amount of delight and enjoyment watching and listening … Read the rest→
This week’s Friday theme among my blogging friends is to share a book that you can read over and over again, those comforting, familiar tales and characters that you never tire of spending time with between the pages. I have … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, I know, it’s not Saturday and here I am writing you a letter. It’s a topsy-turvy sort of day in the kasbah and I’m going to run with it. Also, I’ve got some stuff to say and when … Read the rest→
As always, the clever readers of the kasbah answered last week’s question with panache and creativity. As it turned out, Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman each received an equal number of votes to narrate the lives of those kasbah readers … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, I’m going to cut right to the chase here: You’re not supposed to be reading this letter. In fact, it really shouldn’t have been written at all. If everything had gone as planned, you and everyone else who … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, Psst. Hey you. Yeah, you with the chiseled cheekbones and gently tousled hair. I’ve only got a moment before the nefarious Plot Bunnies notice I’ve slipped out of the writing cave. Now that my other story is on … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, You’re absolutely right. I can hardly believe it has been a whole year since we began our correspondence. Have we really sent 52 letters back and forth every week for an entire year? It doesn’t even seem possible. … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, As always, you are spot on with the friendly advice. Slipping my unfinished Notes to Self into your letter last week was a seriously sneaky move, though I do, in fact, appreciate you finishing them for me. For … Read the rest→