To be a cat or a dog, that was the question.
All who answered this age-old conundrum had very strong convictions on which one they’d rather be. In the cat camp, people claimed the life of a cat was a pampered and relaxing one. Having been owned by a cat for many a year, I can vouch for this reasoning. My cat takes a nap whenever he needs one. He lounges about when he feels like it. He does what he wants when he wants. And we adore him, shower him with hugs and kisses and tell him what a good job he’s doing being a cat.
Yeah, I’d say it’s a pretty cushy life.
The dog people were as clear in their stance as well. The chance to travel, to play outdoors with people and other dogs, to go for walks and hikes, and to give as much love as you receive were the key points in choosing a dog’s life. I’m still searching that one perfect dog and can’t wait to share all of this with the little fella. Being a dog could be pretty darn sweet, too.
So which did I choose?
Lately I have had dogs on the brain AND I like to travel AND I like to go for hikes and walks and such. Therefore, I’m going to join up with the dog people. Just don’t tell my cat.
And now, on to this week’s question…
Would you rather
have to live in a biosphere on the moon
– OR –
under the ocean?
So which will it be, adventurous readers? Building a new life on the moon? Or moving under the sea? Ponder, sip, sit, and share. I always love to hear from you.
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Liv Rancurt said:
The moon is cool, and if I lived under the sea, I could still admire it, but if I lived on the moon, I wouldn’t have the same perspective on the ocean. So I think I’ll choose living under the sea, because wow! water, swimming, dudes in swimsuits. What’s not to love?
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Sherry Isaac said:
The moon is made of cheese and I have issues with dairy. On the other hand, that seahorse is so darn cute and I have a cowboy hat I don’t get nearly enough use out of. Yee-Haw. Hitch that pony up and colour me gilled.
I bet that ole’ moon had an awesome view.
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Ellen Gregory said:
The moon. The moon. The moon.
I know there might not be all that much to do, but it would be amazing.
As for the sea – the thought of going deep sea diving makes me shudder. I guess it would be quite nice to live in a biosphere arrangement, certainly pretty with all those fishies. But what if it broke and the water all came in…?
Seems I’m way more scared of drowning than suffocating. Go figure.
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marcia said:
“Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars, Let me see what what Spring is like on Jupiter and Mars…. (-; “
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Suzanne Stengl said:
hmmm, another tough one. I guess I’d choose the moon, because I would be able to see sunlight, or least starlight. And I think I’d feel claustrophobic under all that water for such a long time.
So, for me, the moon. In fact, in my baby book that my mother made for me, she wrote down my first words. And they were “see da moon”.
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Elizabeth Fais said:
After seeing the movie GRAVITY, I think I’ll leave space … and the moon … to the more adventurous of you. I got my scuba diving license at age 16, and have been enthralled by the magic and marvels of the ocean ever since. If I could live under there without having to worry about dive tables, all that gear, and whatnot … I say “Sign me up!” I might even find Atlantis while I’m down there. 🙂
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Mike Schulenberg said:
Well, shoot…I’m not sure I can decide. Both the moon and the sea are really cool, although I probably have a distorted view of what it would be like to live under the sea. I blame ‘The Little Mermaid’ 😉
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Brinda said:
Maybe it’s because I wrote a novella called SHIMMER. I can’t wait to tell you about it. And I saw that Sandra Bullock movie this year. I so don’t want to live on the moon after that.