It’s a wintery wonderland outside the writing cave, festive readers, which means it’s a SNOW DAY for me.

This might be what I looked like as I peeked out my window this morning…
I LOVE snow days when work is closed and I have an unexpected extra day to play in the fluffy white stuff and do all manner of snowy things. Like make snow angels and build snowmen. And bake cookies. And drink tasty beverages while sitting in front of a toasty warm fire.
Fortunately, it’s also that time of year when you can turn on your tv and watch many of your beloved holiday movies. I have a few favorites that I look forward to watching each December.
First, there’s the classic of all holiday movies, It’s a Wonderful Life. I know, I know, it’s overplayed during the holiday season. But I still love it. I watch this one when I’m doing a marathon of present wrapping, preferably while drinking hot cocoa or a mocha. The tree is lit as well as any other twinkle lights inside and outside the house. You know, for mood lighting.

One of my favorite scenes
Then there’s The Muppets: A Christmas Carol. I grew up watching The Muppet Show, so when this movie came out it quickly became a treasured one for me. With Kermit as Bob Cratchit, Miss Piggy as Mrs. Cratchit, and Gonzo as the narrator in one of Dickens’ most famous stories, what’s not to love? Nothing, that’s what. I like to watch this with a bowl a popcorn in one hand, a warm, tasty beverage (with or without Kahlua or whiskey in it, as the mood strikes me) in the other hand with gently falling snow outside my window.
And last, but certainly not least, there’s the movie I watch with my kids on Christmas eve, one that never fails to make us laugh no matter how many times we see it: Elf.Β If you haven’t given yourself over to comedic genius that is Will Ferrell, you’re really missing out. I don’t know how you get through the holiday season, honestly. Buddy the Elf, a human raised by Santa and Mrs. Claus among the elves at the North Pole, decides to search out his birth father in New York City. Hijinks and hilarity ensue. I like to cuddle up with my kids on the sofa with our favorite holiday cookies and a cuppa tea as I watch this one.

So many positive messages in this movie…
As part of the WANAFriday theme this week, others are also sharing their favorite holiday movies. Be sure to check them out: (more to be added as they’re written)
Ellen Gregory: My Thoughts on Catching Fire
How about you, dear readers? What are your favorite holiday movies?Β Are there ones you always watch? Are there ones you’ve recently discovered and absolutely love? Sit, sip, and share. The fire’s ready, the tree is lit, the tea is steeped, and the pillows are fluffed. I always love to hear from you.
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Ellen Gregory said:
I don’t really have traditional ‘holiday’ movies I watch — and I haven’t seen any of these. Maybe it’s because it’s summer here and there’s not the same emphasis on curling up in front of the TV with a mug of cocoa. I’m just as likely to wrap presents while watching the cricket! (Which, funnily enough, I am doing now – although not wrapping presents yet…)
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Tami Clayton said:
I don’t think I’d be in a snuggle up on the sofa with a cup of cocoa and a movie kind of mood during the summer months here, either. In fact, I watch very little tv during the summer. Having only known wintery weather around Christmastime, it’s wild for me to wrap my mind around it being summer where you are. I obviously need to visit Australia to get over this. And soon.
Pingback: Bah Humbug | Liv Rancourt
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Liv Rancourt said:
I’m not sure what my fave Christmas movie is, though one of our newer holiday traditions here at Chez Rancourt involves settling down in front of a roaring fire, clutching our cups of cocoa, and watching The Colbert Christmas Special. We skew toward irony around here.
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Tami Clayton said:
I love your tradition. And irony. I’m going to incorporate the Colbert special into my new holiday traditions starting this year.
Pingback: My thoughts on Catching Fire | Ellen Gregory
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Kim Griffin said:
It’s a Wonderful Life ~ Classic! All time favorite movie. I never tire of watching it and I cry every dang time π
Buddy the Elf is hilarious and I think that’s a really funny movie too. The one that cracks me up is How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carey version) ~ makes me laugh every single time, no matter what.
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Tami Clayton said:
The Grinch is a classic holiday movie, too. I’m more of a purist on that one, though – the animated version that I grew up with is my favorite one to watch. π
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Sherry Isaac said:
Every year, my must watch is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, the original cartoon version. Nothing against the recreation by Ron Howard, but the cartoon was a staple of my childhood.
Enjoy your snow day, Tami.
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Tami Clayton said:
Hear, hear, Sherry. The animated version is the one I’ll be watching this holiday season.
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Suzanne Stengl said:
I have never seen Elf so I think I’ll try that one. It looks ridiculous. I made my movie list over on Liv’s blog but will repeat my #1 favourite: Love, Actually.
It’s good any time of year.
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Tami Clayton said:
Elf is completely ridiculous. And hilarious. I hope you do get a chance to watch it.
I’ve been hearing so much about Love, Actually and would you believe I’ve never seen it? I know, it’s kinda embarrassing. I will be rectifying that very soon, I hope…
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Marcia said:
I love the Charlie Brown Christmas rendition! I am loving this Monday off too Tami. The only problem is that I’m loving it too much and wanting another day off….is that too piggy?! Adult beverage time, gotta go. Tami, stay cozy, stay safe, sip and enjoy.
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Tami Clayton said:
Charlie Brown and that sad little tree – another holiday staple of my childhood. I’m loving the days off, too. What a treat with all of this snow!