This week’s Friday theme is about humor and laughter and smiles. Or at least that’s how I interpreted the theme. It’s no secret here in the kasbah that I get a ridiculous amount of delight and enjoyment watching and listening … Read the rest→
This week’s Friday theme is to share a favorite recipe and the story that goes with it. The recipe that came to mind for me is an incredibly simple, yet flavorful white bean soup I first had when traveling through … Read the rest→
This week’s WANAFriday theme is to write about the color red and what it means to you. To me, red has always signified power, strength, and energy. So what images sprang to mind when I thought of the color red? … Read the rest→
The time has come, fair readers. I am taking a much-needed and long overdue break for the next week. Upon my return, I plan to regale y’all with some new travel posts, continue the Wednesday Would You Rather questions, present what … Read the rest→
A good laugh is sunshine in the house. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray In the not too distant past, my friend and fellow blogger, Ellen Gregory nominated me for the Sunshine Award. Many thanks to Ellen for the thoughtful nod to … Read the rest→
Recently, I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger award by fellow writer and friend, the estimable Ellen Gregory. As a recipient of such an award, I am to share seven never before revealed things about myself and then nominate … Read the rest→
As the champagne corks are popped and 2012 winds to a close, it is natural to reflect upon all that’s taken place in the last year. 2012 was a year of BIG things for me, many of them too heartbreaking … Read the rest→
I was recently tagged by the delightful author, Liv Rancourt in The Next Big Thing, an interview in which writers are to answer ten questions about their current work in progress (WIP). (Be sure to pop over to Liv’s to … Read the rest→
WELCOME TO THE NEWLY REDESIGNED KASBAH! Come on in. No passport required. I’m so excited to finally throw open the doors for the official kasbah-warming party! Come on in and have a look around. While some things have remained the … Read the rest→
Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of joining my friend, Fabio Bueno, over at his blog to share three creepy YA reads. Thanks, again, to Fabio for letting me hang out with him! In that post (which you can … Read the rest→