Taking Tea in the Kasbah

This week’s Friday theme is about humor and laughter and smiles. Or at least that’s how I interpreted the theme. It’s no secret here in the kasbah that I get a ridiculous amount of delight and enjoyment watching and listening to a certain classy British actor. The guy can bring a stupid, hard to remove, goofy grin to my face any day of the week just by being his charming self.

So, I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise that the bit of humor and laughter I’m choosing to share has to do with him. The stupid, goofy grin is still on my face 24 hours later after watching this video clip he and Martin Freeman taped for viewing at yesterday’s Sherlock panel at Comic Con 2013 in San Diego. In the video introduction, a still Hobbit-ized, adorable Martin gives some solid advice to convention-goers and a shaggy-haired, mustachioed, “I’m on holiday” Benedict shares what every Sherlock fan has been dying to know since the end of The Reichenbach Fall episode: how did Sherlock survive the fall?

So that’s basically how it happened.

A monkey,

a helicopter,

and a cup of tea.



And if you’re in need of some further giggles and laughs, be sure to pop by these blogs for some more humor:

Rabia Gale: WANAFriday: Friday Funnies

Ellen Gregory: Hungry Cat

Liv Rancourt: #WANAFriday Fun!

Janice Heck: A Little Catertainment (and Pink Panther) for #WANAFriday

Kim Griffin: Much Like My Husband

Patricia Caviglia: WANAFriday: Friday Funnies


Now it’s your turn, witty readers. What did you think of Benedict’s big reveal? Had you already deduced a monkey was involved in Sherlock surviving the fall? What other bits of humor can you share on this lovely Friday? Sit, sip, and share. I always love to hear from you.


14 thoughts on “A Monkey, a Helicopter, and a Cup of Tea

  1. Pingback: #WANAFriday Fun! | Liv Rancourt

  2. Pingback: Much Like My Husband | Kim Griffin's Blog

  3. on ,
    Rabia said:

    Awesome! Monkeys, and helicopters, and afternoon tea. It makes SO much sense now.


    Anyhow, looking forward to the third season. 😀

    • Me, too! They resume filming the third episode at the end of the month. From what I hear, there is a big push (much of it spearheaded by a certain classy British actor) to have the series air at the same time in the U.S. as in the U.K. I think he may have finally heard my pleas…

  4. Pingback: WANAFriday: friday funnies | Rabia Gale

  5. Pingback: Hungry cat | Ellen Gregory

  6. Now I have a big goofy grin on my face! That’s hysterical. Love it.
    Those two have such full schedules at present, don’t they. What a fun life they must lead…

    • I know, right? The opportunities they’ve had in the last year alone makes my head spin.

      P.S. I’m glad I’m not the only one wearing a goofy grin.

  7. LOL! He is too cute! I busted out laughing when he said f*#! it ~ bwahaha
    I can tell why you adore him 🙂

    • There’s just something about a well-mannered, well-spoken, gracious guy saying things like f@%k it that keeps that goofy grin on my face long after it should have waned. 😉

    • You’re killing me here, Mike. Seriously? You’ve never seen what is arguably the BEST t.v. show EVER? Go now and rent the first two series (seasons) or turn on your Netflix account and instant stream them. Watch all six episodes. Munch on some popcorn, if needed. Forget about school and homework. And prepare to be AMAZED not only at the fabulous writing and directing, but also the mind-blowing, superb acting by both Sherlock and Bilbo.

      That’s just my humble opinion on the matter. Thank you.

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