The time has come, fair readers. I am taking a much-needed and long overdue break for the next week. Upon my return, I plan to regale y’all with some new travel posts, continue the Wednesday Would You Rather questions, present what I hope will become a new series about psychology and character development, and if mood strikes me, a Benedict letter or two. Anything’s possible.
For now, I must rest. I am totally and completely worn out from all the crazy, hectic goings-on in my life. Also, I was itchin’ to get outta Dodge. I’m on an adventure in the southeast at the moment, but before I get back to perfecting my lounging skillz I want to offer one ginormous Thank You to whomever shared my post on parenting special needs kids on Facebook the other day. I don’t know if you’ll see this post, but because I couldn’t discover who you are to personally thank you, I’ll give you a big ol’ shout out here in the kasbah. Thank you for sharing my post and for spreading a message that is very dear to my heart.
And now I must get back to this lounging thing I hear is so popular when people are on vacation. I find it to be a rather challenging task, especially when I’m in a new city. Don’t worry, though. I’m confident I’ll get it down. Just in time to return home and get back to the grind of things.
So tell me, generous readers, have any of you who are also bloggers ever had a mystery benefactor sharing your posts? If so, has anyone successfully discover who that person was? On an entirely unrelated note, are there any new topics or previously posted topics that you’d like to see more of in the kasbah? If so, please let me know in the comments. The tea is ready and the pillows are plumped. As always, I love hearing from you.
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Marcia said:
Hey Tami! How are your lounge lizard skills going? I hope you are renewing yourself with enjoyment.
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Tami Clayton said:
I was able to do a fair amount of lounging, though I don’t think I perfected my skillz. I think further practice is in order.
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Ellen Gregory said:
I got a bit of a spike on mine recently when I was made “notebook addict of the week” on a site some months following the post on that subject… but I don’t think I can pinpoint a single share that has caused a big spike. Although there was one day when I got a massive spike on homepage hits, with no obvious source. Weird.
Hope you have a nice break! Hang in there and have fun. 🙂
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Tami Clayton said:
The occasional spike/interest in posts without knowing the source is both wonderful and leaves me feeling super curious who the generous benefactor is. I just hope whoever this person is knows I’m incredibly appreciative.
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Sherry Isaac said:
Fresh back from a-few-days-but-wish-it-had-been-more days in Newfoundland, I envy your opportunity to lounge, and raise my tea mug to a safe return and renewed energy. Have fun.
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Tami Clayton said:
Thanks, Sherry! I’ll raise my tea mug to you as well in honor of taking time off and perfecting one’s lounging skillz.
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Suzanne Stengl said:
Enjoy your time off, Tami. We’ll be waiting here in the Kasbah for the next Wednesday question. I really have fun with those.
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Tami Clayton said:
So glad to hear you enjoy the Wednesday Would You Rather questions, Suzanne! Don’t worry, the next one will be coming your way this week. 🙂
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Elizabeth Fais said:
Congratulations on taking a well-deserved vacation! We’ll be waiting here for you to regale us with your adventures when you return!
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Elizabeth Fais said:
I’ve had pronounced spikes in views on my blog when I write posts on a topic I passionate about. I look forward to reading and learning from your upcoming posts related to psychology. I know they will will be thoughtful and thought provoking. 🙂
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Tami Clayton said:
Thank you, Elizabeth. I’m mulling over some posts related to writing and character development based on psychological diagnoses, but also with a explanation of symptomology of the various diagnoses to hopefully give a clear idea what they really entail.
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Tami Clayton said:
Thanks, Elizabeth! We had a great time. I’ll be sharing what we did on our adventures in the coming weeks.