Welcome back, kind readers, to the Wednesday Would You Rather question. Last time, y’all were told to choose between having a fabulous living room or a gorgeous yard. Kasbah readers seem to be the outdoorsy type as an overwhelming majority of you preferred to have a yard designed to your heart’s desire, even those who reside in the often-rainy Northwest.
So which did I choose? You’d think that sitting in front of a cozy fire in my living room at this very moment would sway me to select a fab living room. You might also be tempted to think that the below freezing temps tonight or the gusty, rain/hail storm earlier today would push me to want a living room that’s warm and inviting.
But no.
Like many of you, I, too, would opt for the lush, beautiful yard for many of the reasons y’all noted. It would be big enough to have large, old oak trees and a pond. There would also be a hammock, a hot tub, a vegetable/herb garden, a blueberry orchard, fruit trees, and tons of flowers. And it would be located somewhere where the weather is warm more often than not.
I would also want a full-time gardner to help me keep up with all of the maintenance. And to do weed pulling. Obviously. In a yard as big as the one I’m imagining, it would become a weed-infested mess in one season if I didn’t have a gardener. With a British accent. Just sayin’.
And now, on to this week’s question…
Would you rather
have one year off at your current rate of pay

I think this is where I’d go if I had a year off. At least to start…
– OR –
work your current job for a year at triple your current rate of pay?

photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc
Which will you choose, clever readers? Will the lure of free time for a whole year while still earning money be the bigger draw for you? Or will you be enticed to make triple what you do now over the next year? Put on your thinkin’ caps, sit a spell, and then share your thoughts. I always love to hear from you.
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Liv Rancourt said:
I’d take a year off at my current pay, thanks. Didn’t even have to think hard about this one. I’m sure there’ll be a raft of “save it for a rainy day”-type arguments, but to me, time is golden.
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Tami Clayton said:
Time IS golden. Totally agree. There’s definitely a strong argument for seize the day, too. Especially when there’s such a delightful video of a classy British actor to watch these days… 😉
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Sherry Isaac said:
The problem with this question, Tami, is the current rate of pay. Even triple, 3 times nuthin’ is still nuthin’.
That said, even tho I’m working for less than peanuts, I am doing the work I love. Living my dream life, doing my dream job, is just like having year after year after year off.
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Tami Clayton said:
Ah, yes. The question presupposes one is getting monetarily compensated for work done in a day. But since you’re loving what you do and living the dream, I can see why it’s like having time off. Lucky you. 🙂
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Sara Walpert Foster said:
Sherry beat me to my answer: 3x nothing is nothing. I’ll take the year off at that rate with hopes that the freelance work, which has been on hold for a while, returns sometime after that. Or maybe the sale of one of my book projects resulting in bestseller status. Yeah. I like that one. Here’s to dreaming. 🙂
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Tami Clayton said:
I’ll drink a toast to you and your dreams, Sara. Cheers!
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Elizabeth Fais said:
My heart wants to take Surat off at my current rate of pay. But as a sole supporter (of many cats) my practical side says to take 3x the pay for a year. We desperately need more space and the extra income would help to mke that happen. Family comes first, even a furry one!
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Tami Clayton said:
Totally agree – loved ones first. And to do that, sometimes we have to make sacrifices. Like earning triple for a year to accommodate all creatures in your life, both big and small. 🙂
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Suzanne Stengl said:
I would take the 3x pay. Mainly because I love what I’m doing and I would miss it if I had to take a year away from it!
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Tami Clayton said:
How fortunate for you, Suzanne, that you’re doing what you love so much that you’d miss it!
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Ellen Gregory said:
Since I’m working about 12-16 hours a week, I’ll take the 3X rate of pay too! I’m loving the time, but could do with a little more moolah. 🙂
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Tami Clayton said:
More moolah is always a good thing. Especially for us writers.
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marcia said:
I’ll take the 3X rate and celebrate!
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Tami Clayton said:
I’m with you on that one, Marcia! 🙂