Taking Tea in the Kasbah

Tagged: time

Welcome back, kind readers, to the Wednesday Would You Rather question. Last time, y’all were told to choose between having a fabulous living room or a gorgeous yard. Kasbah readers seem to be the outdoorsy type as an overwhelming majority … Read the rest→

The quandary posed last week –  having an extra hour every day or receiving $40 a day free and clear – was not an easy one for me. It didn’t help that whenever I read someone’s comment, I’d think, “Yes! … Read the rest→

Last week y’all were asked to entertain the notion of either giving up your sight for a day or giving up your phone for a month. It was a close race between the two, with those willing to not see … Read the rest→

Dear Benedict, As always, you are spot on with the friendly advice. Slipping my unfinished Notes to Self into your letter last week was a seriously sneaky move, though I do, in fact, appreciate you finishing them for me. For … Read the rest→

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