Last week’s question brought almost an even split in the comments with a narrow victory for those willing to have their most embarrassing moment made into a movie. Not to be overshadowed, those who didn’t give a second thought to … Read the rest→
For those who have been hanging out in the kasbah with me for any length of time, you know how I love to do a bit of research about the places I’m going when I travel. A recent trip to … Read the rest→
I recently returned from a journey to the southeastern corner of the U.S. where the 13 year-old and I traveled together to visit with two of my long-time friends and to experience the awesomeness that is The Wizarding World of … Read the rest→
Two weeks ago, y’all considered whether you would prefer to know your life’s purpose or to never have money worries again. As many of you noticed in the comments section, money was the clear, unanimous winner. Several people commented that knowing … Read the rest→
A good laugh is sunshine in the house. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray In the not too distant past, my friend and fellow blogger, Ellen Gregory nominated me for the Sunshine Award. Many thanks to Ellen for the thoughtful nod to … Read the rest→
This week’s Friday theme is about a topic that’s often on my mind: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Cities such as Prague, London, Barcelona, and Lisbon call to me from across the globe, … Read the rest→
A group of fellow bloggers and I were recently decided to create themed posts for each Friday. This week’s theme is to share a favorite or inspiring piece of art. This theme was a challenging one for me. My mind wandered … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, I’m going to cut right to the chase here: You’re not supposed to be reading this letter. In fact, it really shouldn’t have been written at all. If everything had gone as planned, you and everyone else who … Read the rest→
Recently, I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger award by fellow writer and friend, the estimable Ellen Gregory. As a recipient of such an award, I am to share seven never before revealed things about myself and then nominate … Read the rest→
It’s been a while since I shared a travel-related post, mostly because I’ve been busy slinging words into the manuscript (I’m painfully close to The End), and partly because I’ve not had time or money to get outta Dodge as … Read the rest→