Dear Benedict, Hey, friend. Just a warning before you delve into what I’m certain will be an all-over-the-map sort of missive – my thoughts are not very organized into the little cohesive set of files I prefer them to be. … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, Hey, friend. It’s been far too long since I’ve tapped out a letter to you. Truth be told, it’s been far too long since I’ve done much typing or writing or creating of any kind. Apologies. I’ve been … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, You’re absolutely right. I can hardly believe it has been a whole year since we began our correspondence. Have we really sent 52 letters back and forth every week for an entire year? It doesn’t even seem possible. … Read the rest→
Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe If you’ve been around the kasbah for any length of time, you not only have my sympathy, undying gratitude, and a sense of … Read the rest→
I was recently tagged by the delightful author, Liv Rancourt in The Next Big Thing, an interview in which writers are to answer ten questions about their current work in progress (WIP). (Be sure to pop over to Liv’s to … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, In last week’s letter you suggested we should conspire to inspire other people. Clever one, friend. You always have such a way with words. One might think you were the resident writer in the kasbah or something. Count me … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, I’ve recently wrapped up filming on Twelve Years a Slave and my only regret is that you didn’t make it to New Orleans to help me with my southern accent. Brad sends his regards as well as a rain cheque … Read the rest→