I was buried under an avalanche of NaNoWriMo words last week and thus failed to get a Would You Rather…? question of the week ready to present to you fine people. A thousand apologies for that oversight. I hope each of you found decent, respectable ways to entertain your brain while patiently waiting for Wednesday to come ’round again.
This week I hope to make amends by getting right to the question AND by giving y’all not just two, but THREE OPTIONS for your pondering pleasure.
It’s o.k. to take a moment to pull your excited self together. This week’s question will require some focus, so it’s best to take a deep breath, put on some comfy clothes, and perhaps take this opportunity to review your cats’ Customer Comment Cards on which they’ve informed you that their snuggling schedules have changed to 3-4am to accommodate their increased work load of knocking ornaments off the tree, so would you please take this into account when selfishly choosing to sleep during that hour.

P.S. We seem to be fresh out of Customer Comment Cards. Time to restock those bad boys.
Maybe your cats do not fill out Customer Comment Cards, in which case you should just sit by a cozy fire while enjoying a delicious dessert or a refreshing beverage.
And now, on to this week’s question:
On your much-anticipated skiing trip (or sledding adventure, if that is more your speed), would you rather have as your companion:
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,
Clarence the Angel,

It’s a Wonderful Life ~ image credit: wikipedia.org
Buddy the Elf?

image credit: imdb.com
So, intelligent readers, who will be the lucky character to accompany you for some fun in the snow? Give it some thought, make a pro/con list, have another beverage or two, and share your answer below. As always, I love hearing from all of you and reading your clever comments.
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livrancourt said:
Rudolph, FTW!
He’s like a hybrid of the other two: goofy & good. And I’d never get lost.
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Brinda Berry (@Brinda_Berry) said:
Buddy the Elf. Defintely. I love him.