Taking Tea in the Kasbah

Tagged: skiing

Dear Tami, Apologies for the shock you received when you saw the photo of me in my platinum blonde hair. I should have forewarned you about that. I do so appreciate the hair tips, though. I’ve stocked up on Vitamin … Read the rest→

As I mentioned in my recent letter to a certain classy British actor, I went on my first downhill ski adventure this weekend. I have been on several cross-country ski outings, but I had not given myself the chance to … Read the rest→

Dear Benedict, I know you offered to look after the kasbah for me while I stumble along to The End of my novel, but I can tell you’ve got quite a lot going on at the moment. Don’t worry, I’ll … Read the rest→

I was buried under an avalanche of NaNoWriMo words last week and thus failed to get a Would You Rather…? question of the week ready to present to you fine people. A thousand apologies for that oversight. I hope each … Read the rest→

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