Taking Tea in the Kasbah

Tagged: writing

Another Wednesday means another Would You Rather…? question of the week. Before we get to that, I’ll share last week’s results. Every single one of you who commented chose to have a song written about yourself rather than a book. … Read the rest→

I was recently tagged by the delightful author, Liv Rancourt in The Next Big Thing, an interview in which writers are to answer ten questions about their current work in progress (WIP). (Be sure to pop over to Liv’s to … Read the rest→

My talented friend and author, Liv Rancourt, is in the Kasbah today filling in for me while I’m relaxing at the beach in North Carolina (post forthcoming). So, today I’ve fluffed the kasbah cushions and dusted off the soap box … Read the rest→

Dear Readers and Visitors to the Kasbah, The Queen has bestowed upon me the keys to the kasbah, not only while she is out of town for a few days, but also throughout the month of November while she is … Read the rest→

I am usually a think-it-through kind of person, someone who makes pro/con lists and weighs personal choices against the possible outcomes and consequences. But there are those occasions when I do things that are slightly lacking in intelligence. Then, in … Read the rest→

Dear Tami, I’m glad you had a good time in Seattle last weekend and had the chance to reconnect with friends there. As for last week’s career advice on doing more projects that can be viewed in the U.S., I … Read the rest→

Dear Benedict, Thank you for looking after the kasbah last weekend while I was away at my writing conference. Things seemed to be in order around here which I greatly appreciate. Also, many thanks for the awesomesauce pillow you left for … Read the rest→

Today you’ll find me hanging out with Sherri Martin-Hutchins at her blog, Live Wonderstruck (such a cool name, isn’t it?), where she interviewed me about the things that leave me feeling wonderstruck. I’d love it if you’d stop by and check … Read the rest→

During breakfast on our third day in Siena (you can read about the first and second days here and here), our B & B host, Luciano, told us the Palio contrade horse assignments were to take place in Il Campo, the … Read the rest→

Dear Readers and Visitors to the Kasbah, Today, it is my great pleasure to write directly to you fine people. You see, the Queen of the Kasbah is away at the Willamette Writers Conference in Portland this weekend and has … Read the rest→

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