*opens creaky door to kasbah* Hello? Anyone here? *walks into cobwebs strung about like streamers* *flails about trying desperately to remove the cobwebs now clinging to my hair and clothes* *steps outside and grabs nearest large stick* *returns to kasbah … Read the rest→
I’ve noticed a trend in the kasbah over the last couple of weeks. The Would You Rather choices should, if they are doing their job, provoke people into making a tough decision. But after another landslide victory (last week it … Read the rest→
It may come as no surprise that last week’s question brought about a complete and thorough landslide victory for the whisperers. Not one of you opted to SHOUT your way through life and I, for one, am grateful. As more … Read the rest→
Hello, fine readers! I’m just getting back into town after a nice, long break hanging out with friends, playing in the water, and soaking up the sunshine. Not one to keep things sitting idle for too long, I thought I’d … Read the rest→
A pattern, as defined by trusty Wikipedia, is a discernible regularity in the world or in a manmade design. With so many kinds of patterns out there in the world, I found it difficult to narrow down which one to write about … Read the rest→
Guess what? I did it. I crossed the word slinging finish line. Last night, I completed my very first novel and typed these fabulous words: To celebrate, my resident genius and I quietly gave each other fist bumps and knowing … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, As always, you are spot on with the friendly advice. Slipping my unfinished Notes to Self into your letter last week was a seriously sneaky move, though I do, in fact, appreciate you finishing them for me. For … Read the rest→
Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe If you’ve been around the kasbah for any length of time, you not only have my sympathy, undying gratitude, and a sense of … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, I applaud your twist on the resolution list (poetically, of course), turning it upside down and inside out, keeping things carefree and simple. If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were feeling a little overwhelmed, over-committed, and over-stretched. … Read the rest→
Despite what the Mayans and the Apocalypsters predicted, 2013 has arrived and with it, the first Wednesday of the year. That also means it’s time for the very first Would You Rather question. Last week I asked y’all which would … Read the rest→