In last week’s island-themed dilemma, y’all were asked whether you’d prefer to hang out with the cast of Gilligan’s Island on their islandĀ or with the cast of Lost on the island where their plane had crashed. Twice as many of … Read the rest→
Apologies once again for missing last week’s Would You Rather question. I have a good excuse and it’s called Jet Lag. Turns out taking a red eye flight from Hawaii back to the mainland leaves one a wee bit exhausted … Read the rest→
Last week we talked about the law, namely whether you would prefer to go back in time and enact a law of your choosing or do the same thing in the present. As always, the comments were thoughtful and thought-provoking. … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, Hey, friend. Just a warning before you delve into what I’m certain will be an all-over-the-map sort of missive – my thoughts are not very organized into the little cohesive set of files I prefer them to be. … Read the rest→
In last week’s quandary, y’all were asked whether you would prefer to be a fly on the wall at some self-selected point in history or if you would rather drop everything and dash off to a destination unknown by agreeing … Read the rest→
Music. Such a personal thing, an expression of oneself and our current mood, put to lyrics and melodies and rhythms. The music we’re drawn to is a reflection of our personality and preferences, just like the books we love or … Read the rest→
Last week’s question brought almost an even split in the comments with a narrow victory for those willing to have their most embarrassing moment made into a movie. Not to be overshadowed, those who didn’t give a second thought to … Read the rest→
I’ve noticed a trend in the kasbah over the last couple of weeks. The Would You Rather choices should, if they are doing their job, provoke people into making a tough decision. But after another landslide victory (last week it … Read the rest→
It may come as no surprise that last week’s question brought about a complete and thorough landslide victory for the whisperers. Not one of you opted to SHOUT your way through life and I, for one, am grateful. As more … Read the rest→
It’s Wednesday and you know what that means… Yes, astute readers, it’s time to get back into the Would You Rather groove. Apologies for having missed a few weeks. In the last question, y’all were asked to consider whether you’d … Read the rest→