Dear Benedict, You’ve done an excellent job holding your own in the kasbah this past month. Well done, friend. Can’t thank you enough for keeping tabs on the joint while I was sequestered in the writing cave during NaNoWriMo. I’m … Read the rest→
Dear Readers and Visitors to the Kasbah, The Queen has bestowed upon me the keys to the kasbah, not only while she is out of town for a few days, but also throughout the month of November while she is … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, You were spot on with the song choice last week. Well done. It rounds out the Writing Cave Theme Song List quite nicely, though don’t take that as any indication that you should stop sending suggestions. Keep ’em … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, After reading your letter last week, I can tell you’re coping well with the likes of TWMNBNG Insurance Co. Your new friends, Denial and Avoidance, sound like very helpful mates. And, in case you’re wondering, Shoshana is doing … Read the rest→