Music. Such a personal thing, an expression of oneself and our current mood, put to lyrics and melodies and rhythms. The music we’re drawn to is a reflection of our personality and preferences, just like the books we love or … Read the rest→
In the aftermath of the great food vs. sleep debate, the tally marks in each column were almost equal. Nearly as many of you would rather be able to be completely well-rested after only three hours of sleep as were … Read the rest→
A pattern, as defined by trusty Wikipedia, is a discernible regularity in the world or in a manmade design. With so many kinds of patterns out there in the world, I found it difficult to narrow down which one to write about … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, Instead of a boring retelling of what I’ve been up to, I was inspired by the WordPress Daily Writing Challenge to write about what I did last weekend as though I am a music critic reviewing a new … Read the rest→
Last week, I asked you to choose between being a brilliant singer in a bad band or being a mediocre singer in a wildly popular band. While the majority ruled in favor of having the talent even if it meant … Read the rest→
Another Wednesday means another Would You Rather…? question of the week. Before we get to that, I’ll share last week’s results. Every single one of you who commented chose to have a song written about yourself rather than a book. … Read the rest→
I’ve been one lucky lady these days, at least in the blogospheric sense. I’ve been nominated by the lovely and talented Ellen Gregory for the “Tell Me About Yourself” Award and have been given the task of sharing 7 things … Read the rest→