This week’s Friday theme is about humor and laughter and smiles. Or at least that’s how I interpreted the theme. It’s no secret here in the kasbah that I get a ridiculous amount of delight and enjoyment watching and listening … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, I applaud your twist on the resolution list (poetically, of course), turning it upside down and inside out, keeping things carefree and simple. If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were feeling a little overwhelmed, over-committed, and over-stretched. … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, WOW. That was about all I could say when I entered the kasbah earlier this week and saw your big surprise. I know, it’s a pretty lame response given the amazing changes that took place here while the … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, You were spot on with the song choice last week. Well done. It rounds out the Writing Cave Theme Song List quite nicely, though don’t take that as any indication that you should stop sending suggestions. Keep ’em … Read the rest→
Dear Tami, I was heartbroken when I read your letter last weekend in which you stated that you need us to spend less time together. This has been difficult for me to bear as I have so enjoyed spending time with … Read the rest→
Dear Benedict, As you know, we’ve been spending a great deal of time together lately, me helping you memorize your lines for Sherlock and The Hobbit and Star Trek, you distracting me from my writing by making me download your … Read the rest→