A good laugh is sunshine in the house. ~ William Makepeace Thackeray In the not too distant past, my friend and fellow blogger, Ellen Gregory nominated me for the Sunshine Award. Many thanks to Ellen for the thoughtful nod to … Read the rest→
Recently, I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger award by fellow writer and friend, the estimable Ellen Gregory. As a recipient of such an award, I am to share seven never before revealed things about myself and then nominate … Read the rest→
I was recently nominated by fellow blogging friend, Ellen Gregory, for the Very Inspiring Blog Award in a post in which she shared her seven favorite fantasy novels (go check it out here). I am always humbled and so thankful … Read the rest→
I’ve been one lucky lady these days, at least in the blogospheric sense. I’ve been nominated by the lovely and talented Ellen Gregory for the “Tell Me About Yourself” Award and have been given the task of sharing 7 things … Read the rest→