Taking Tea in the Kasbah

Category Archives: Random randomness

Recently, I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger award by fellow writer and friend, the estimable Ellen Gregory. As a recipient of such an award, I am to share seven never before revealed things about myself and then nominate … Read the rest→

Winter in the Pacific Northwest can feel like one long, soggy haul which then drags itself dripping wet into an equally long, soggy spring. On the upside, everything remains lush and emerald green throughout the year and the flowers and … Read the rest→

As many of you may remember, last year my fellow writers and I collaborated on the spellbinding and thrilling round robin tale, The Octopus Knows. (click here to read all of the luscious chapters over at Laird Sapir’s blog.) The … Read the rest→

I’ve been tempted before to participate in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, but haven’t created a post for it until now. For many reasons, this week’s theme, forward, really resonated with me and I immediately thought of a photo that … Read the rest→

The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes *** … Read the rest→

I am usually a think-it-through kind of person, someone who makes pro/con lists and weighs personal choices against the possible outcomes and consequences. But there are those occasions when I do things that are slightly lacking in intelligence. Then, in … Read the rest→

“…do not measure our goodness by what we don’t do – by what we deny ourselves, what we resist or who we exclude; rather measure our goodness by what we embrace, what we create & who we include.”  ~ Père Henri in … Read the rest→

I love chocolate. This is my story. But first, I’m in the kasbah’s very first blog hop: What’s Your Chocolate? Blog Hop hosted by these talented authors: Brinda Berry, M. Pax, Ciara Knight, and Laura Eno. Click here and you’ll find the linky list … Read the rest→

I was inspired to write this “Where I’m From” post after reading the deeply moving posts by fellow bloggers Jenny Hansen and Gloria Richard (both of whom were inspired by Sharla Lovelace from whose blog the template for this exercise … Read the rest→

The super creative and talented Laird Sapir and I started a conversation on Twitter a while back in which we wondered what Shakespeare would have put on a mix tape if he had lived during the 80’s when making them for … Read the rest→

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