Taking Tea in the Kasbah

Last week we talked about the law, namely whether you would prefer to go back in time and enact a law of your choosing or do the same thing in the present. As always, the comments were thoughtful and thought-provoking.

As it turned out, twice as many of you preferred to go back in time and enact a law or to do away with certain laws, like Jim Crow. One commenter turn back the clock and create laws to protect animals from abuse. I love that there are such wise, kind-hearted, and passionate people taking tea in the kasbah.Β Social justice and animal rights rank pretty high on my to-do list should I ever do some time travel to the past.

Then there were those who felt that the lessons and mistakes of the past should be used as guides in making today’s world a better place and that we’d be better off enacting laws in present. Another intelligent and thoughtful approach.

So what did I choose? I went back and forth on this one, weighing the merits of altering the past or staying in the present and doing what I could to make positive change now. But when push came to shove (read: time to publish the post), I decided I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go back in time and hopefully spare large groups of people (and animals) the injustice and suffering they endured.

And now, on to this week’s question…

Would you rather

have someone bring you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning

photo credit: ChrisGoldNY via photopin cc

photo credit: ChrisGoldNY via photopin cc

– OR –

be able to sleep in as late as you want?



So which will it be, lovely readers? Will you choose to have a delicious breakfast of your choosing delivered to you in bed? Or will you decide that getting as much sleep as you can is the better choice? Sit, sip, and share. I always love to hear from you.

12 thoughts on “Wednesday’s Would You Rather Question: Breakfast in Bed or Sleeping In?

  1. on ,
    marcia said:

    I run on empty most of the time with my sleep quota, by staying up too late…. and I’m not big on the food in bed scene, so I’m going to snatch some ZZZs and choose the sleep in as late as I want option. Hey Tami! How’s the island?

    • Aloha, Marcia! I can’t believe I finally made it here. Off to have me a few adventures today, some of which may involve sea turtles. I’ll share more here in the kasbah in the coming days or weeks.

      I hear ya on the sleep deficit. I’m so far behind on my sleep I’d need an extra month added to the year to help me catch up.

  2. on ,
    Brinda said:


    Like that’s gonna happen. As a matter of fact, I will be on vacation next week and am certain that my eyes will pop open at 5 am everyday. I love the thought but can’t seem to make it happen between the internal clock, the dogs, the phone, the husband, and 100 other things to wake me. πŸ™‚

    I’ve missed all these Wed. questions. I’ve had a online presence crisis. LOL

    • Glad to see you back in the kasbah, Brinda. Sleep can be an elusive thing for me, too. Despite my best intentions. Or not.

      I hope your week of vacation was restful nonetheless. πŸ™‚

  3. Tami, the sun’s about to set, and I could easily don my jammies, plump my pillows, and dive in to breakfast on a bed tray right now. Dinner, schminner, steak, schmeak. Does this answer your question? Do I care?

    Over easy, please.

    • One order of breakfast, coming right up. Morning, noon, or night. For you, Sherry, any time’s the right time.

  4. Pleazzzzzzzz… count me in on extra zzzzzzz too. Like Brinda, I doubt that it’ll actually happen, what with everything that always needs to get done. But it’s a relaxing wish. πŸ˜‰

    • Extra sleep does sound divine, doesn’t it? (So says the lady struggling to keep her eyes open during the daily afternoon slump…)

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