For the second time this year, there was a landslide victory for one of the Would You Rather options. Last week it was a battle between taking a two week vacation or getting the opportunity to spend 24 hours with anyone in the world within the confines of your own home. From the sound of things, everyone is in great need of a vacation. PRONTO.
I hear ya. I tried to go on one last month (which you can read about here in case you missed out on the wonders of a Foliday), but it just didn’t stick. Because my vacation attempts were thwarted, I am currently in the throes of plotting and scheming another adventure. So, to state the obvious, I would also choose the vacation option. As much as I would adore a fun-filled 24-hour shut in with a certain classy British actor – which would no doubt be an adventure all its own – my suitcase and I are itchin’ to get outta Dodge and SOON.
And now, on to this week’s question…
Would you rather
be able to eat anything and in any quantity with no negative health effects
– OR –
be refreshed and well rested after only three hours of sleep?

photo credit: PetitPlat – Stephanie Kilgast via photopin cc
So what will you choose, fair readers? The guilt-free feasting on your favorite foods? Or the short, but sweet amount of sleep? Pull up a pillow, have some tea, and share your thoughts. I always love to hear from you.
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Ellen Gregory said:
FEASTING. Without. A. Doubt.
I did fleetingly consider all that extra time to be gained by only needing 3 hours sleep, but I simply can’t go past the opportunity to eat all the chocolate, cake, pancakes, pasta, chicken parmagiana, fries etc I want. The thought is making my heart speed up.
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Tami Clayton said:
I hear ya. There are so many delicious foods and beverages out there to be savored and to do so without having any negative effects on my health would be GLORIOUS. My mouth is watering just thinking about my favorites.
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Brinda said:
You have now chosen two of my favorite activities to pit against each other. ARGH! *shaking fist at the heavens*
I love, love, love sleep. I must have 8+ hrs. or I’m a bear. And non-functional. That’s really sad. Because even with that knowledge, I’m picking THE FOOD. 😀
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Tami Clayton said:
I know what you mean – I am basically non-functional without at least 7 hours of sleep. I’m also a night owl who must operate in world full of morning people. It’s not the best combo, to say the least. But the siren call of delicious food is an equal temptation. 🙂
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Suzanne Stengl said:
Give me well-rested sleep and 21 hours to get everything else done. I don’t care about food. I just want SLEEP!
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Tami Clayton said:
To actually be refreshed and after only 3 hours would be amazing. It might actually sway me to forgo the food option. 😉
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Liv Rancourt said:
If I could live off of pizza and beer, with a side of ice cream, I totally would. And (sadly), given that I work the night shift, I have regular opportunities to go out and play after three hours sleep. Sooo…I’d choose the food. I’ve already got the other.
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Tami Clayton said:
I don’t know how you can function on three hours sleep. I would be a comatose zombie. I think my favorite foods would change with my moods, but coffee/chocolate/cinnamon ice cream or gelato would definitely be a consistent one on the list for me. To be able to eat it whenever without any ill effects would be delightful. Then again, so would waking up completely refreshed.
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Janice Heck said:
Oh, Tami, Tami, Tami. You are such a tease. Food or sleep? Food! Did you see the Chocolate Lasagna picture and recipe I shared on Facebook? That sounds pretty good to me. If we play by your rules, I can eat as much of it as I want.
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Tami Clayton said:
I didn’t see the chocolate lasagne recipe but it sounds wonderful. Yes, by choosing the food option you can eat as much of it – and anything else – as you want.
I’m getting hungry just thinking about all of the possibilities…
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Elizabeth Fais said:
I would have to go with not ever needing more than 3 hours of sleep (without ANY negative side effects). I could get soooo much serious writing done in those extra 5 hours! Plus, it would give me plenty of time to exercise, so I wouldn’t have to worry so much about what I ate either. When can I start?
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Tami Clayton said:
I thought the same thing when considering the sleep option – how productive I’d be with those extra hours. Then, if I’m also well-rested to boot, I’d be powerhouse of productivity during the other hours I’m normally awake. Sign me up, too. 🙂
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Sherry Isaac said:
I love to eat, and I love to eat healthy. Hands down, give me energy after only 3 hours of sleep.
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Tami Clayton said:
Having the a deep reserve of energy is super enticing to me, too. I never feel like I have enough time to do all of things I have to do or want to do. It would be like having an extra day every week.
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Marcia said:
“Heads down” (-: …the 3 delicious, renewing hours of magic sleep is my pick without further thought!
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Tami Clayton said:
I figured that’s what you’d choose, Marcia. You are one of those lucky people who can eat to her heart’s content without any ill effects on your health. And if you only need three hours of sleep, you can stay up and watch all the Charlie Rose you want. 🙂