A pattern, as defined by trusty Wikipedia, is a discernible regularity in the world or in a manmade design. With so many kinds of patterns out there in the world, I found it difficult to narrow down which one to write about for this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge. Firstly, there are the human-made patterns that appear to leap out at you with their awe-inspiring complexity and the creative talent required to make them:

In the tiniest of details: hand-carved Moroccan zelij, or tile mosaic, Fez, Morocco

In the intricately carved woodwork over a door: Fez, Morocco

In a the concrete pillars of a memorial: Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin, Germany

In the twisting curves and narrow lines of the iron galleries: Chartres St., New Orleans

In the layout of a city: NYC as seen from the top of the Empire State Building

In the exterior architecture of a palace: Doge’s Palace, Venice, Italy

In the interior architectural details of a centuries old cathedral: Cathedrale di Santa Maria, Siena, Italy
Then there are the naturally occurring patterns in nature which never cease to amaze me. A pattern like the Fibonacci Sequence (which begins like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on. Each number is the sum of the two numbers that precede it.) is found, for example, in the number of petals on certain kinds of flowers, and in the spiral patterning of the seeds in pine cones and fruits.

In the number and arrangement of petals: Black-eyed Susans in the garden

In the natural order of things: pine cone
Lastly, and of most interest to the writerly types such as myself, there are the lyrical patterns and rhythms in stories, plays, poems, and songs as seen and heard through literary dramatic structure, poetic iambic pentameter, and the musical structure of a song in both the lyrics and musical accompaniment.
I’m sure there are other types of patterns that should be included here, but I’ll leave you all to your observations and end with a song that, for me, sums up all of the incredible and brilliant patterns I have found (so far) in this amazing life:
How about you, observant readers? What patterns have you found in your daily life that have caught your eye or ear? What patterns are you drawn to? Sit, sip, and tell. I always love to hear from you.
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Elizabeth Fais said:
I am drawn most to the patterns in nature, as well as the man-made designs that replicate nature in its purest form. I see life as an ever changing movement of patterns in a multitude of forms. I’ll admit my closest held writerly secret here: I learned to write by memorizing and mimicking the patters of other writers’ works.
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Tami Clayton said:
It seems as though many of the human-made patterns are at least, in part, inspired by naturally occurring ones in nature.
As for your writer secret, you’re in good company. I must confess I am always looking at my favorite authors work and out of admiration for their brilliance, trying to learn the rhythms and cadences in their stories.
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Elizabeth Fais said:
Amazing photos by the way!
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Tami Clayton said:
Thank you!
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Ellen Gregory said:
I think that just about covers it! Nice photos. I took heaps and heaps of the tile mosaics when I was in Spain too. Love them.
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Tami Clayton said:
Thanks, Ellen! The tile mosaics in Morocco were stunning. I only wish I were a better photographer to have captured them better.
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Brinda said:
You’ve chosen some beautiful patterns in these images. I love the patterns in architecture.
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Tami Clayton said:
Thanks, Brinda! Architectural features and patterns always catch my eye when I’m visiting a new city.
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Marcia said:
Great photos! I am seeing a number of amazing card options Tami!
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Tami Clayton said:
So true, Marcia! 🙂
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Liv Rancourt said:
Music is all about patterns on patterns, from the overall organization of a symphony to the verse-chorus/A-B-A-B-C-A-B structure of a pop song. There are small gestures, like the way you KNOW a song is going to resolve to a certain chord at the end, before you ever hear it, and bigger, more apparent elements, like the complex, repeating rhythmic motifs used by drummers. You could argue – and I might if I was a bit more knowledgeable – that it’s the application of pattern that separates “music” from random sound, like the noise created by traffic on a busy street or the rain on my metal roof.
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Tami Clayton said:
Thanks for explaining that further, Liv. The depth of musical knowledge required to create a symphony or a musical arrangement. It’s a level of understanding that is far beyond my nine years of band in elementary, middle, and high school. 😉