Last week we talked about friends, specifically which person you would choose to have as your BFF, Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen. Harry won by a slight margin, with many people commenting that his magic wizarding world would be less scary and loads more fun to live in than Katniss’. Those who chose Katniss cited her bada$$ archery skills and the fact that she’d have your back no matter what.
When I first posted the question last week, I was pretty certain I’d choose Harry. He seems like a great guy, he can do some wicked moves on a broomstick, and is incredibly loyal to his friends. But, as is so often the case with Would You Rather Wednesdays, I found myself looking at the scenario from several different angles and as such, decided to choose Katniss as my BFF. What swayed me? As much as I’d love to possess a magic wand that could do my bidding for me, Katniss could teach me some practical survival skills should I ever have need for them. Like if I go hiking and get lost. Or if an apocalypse of any sort occurs. With Katniss as my BFF, I stand a much greater chance of survival.
And now, on to this week’s question:
If you had to be a mythical creature, would you rather be
a centaur
– OR –
a mermaid/merman?
So, magical readers, which form would you rather take? That of the land-based centaur, galloping across the land? Or that of the mermaid/merman, lithe creature of the sea? Pull up a pillow, have a cuppa tea, and throw your two cents in. As always, I love to hear from you.
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Gloria Richard said:
Unequivocally, I choose Centaur.
While the Mermaid possesses the ability to breath both under and out of water (right?) that power wouldn’t erase my inexplicable fear (at times couched as respect for) the sea.
Yes, Mermaids have magical powers, but I can not imagine living in an environment where the only Great White closing in on me has Shark appended to his name.
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Tami Clayton said:
Wow, I am in awe of your decisiveness, especially at such an early hour of the day. I can barely figure out which foot goes in which slipper when I wake up. But not you, Gloria. Swift and sure with the answer!
I believe mermaids can breathe in and out of water. The shark factor does make being a mermaid the dicier choice. Thanks for the reminder on the predators out there in the sea.
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Tina said:
Centaur, but only because I am a Sagittarius. And I rather like horses. Mermaids are beautiful but the sea is full of predators and I don’t know that I could out swim them.
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Tami Clayton said:
I like how you based your choice on your astrological sign. Good thinkin’. And yes, there are many predators of the mermaid in the vast, vast ocean. Seems like there are fewer predators of the centaur.
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Sherry Isaac said:
My vote was for mermaid. Was. You know how I love my shooze, and I could not see how I would manage to strut in high heels as a centaur. and if I did manage it, prancing across a meadow is fraught with danger. Gopher holes, for one. Natty weeds. Soft sandy spots. Puddles.
Paused to read Gloria’s choice. Eek. Shark! Though I might be able to punch a spike heel through his mermaid-munching snout with a well-placed kick, um, I wouldn’t have feet.
I am adrift in conundrum-land, Tami. Any choices that don’t include hoofs or fins?
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Tami Clayton said:
Sorry to say but hooves and fins are the choices this week. I think you could use your shooze as unsuspecting weaponry as a mermaid. Who would question a lovely mermaid carrying around a pair of leopard print stilettos? Not me. And should Mr. Shark (because all evil sharks are male) get a little too frisky, just poke ’em in the eye with one of your shooze. He’ll never see it coming.
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Sherry Isaac said:
As always, Tami, you have come up with a solution that is absolutely brilliant! Holmes? Watson? I think not.
However, if I may take your solution up on teeny tiny notch. I shall buy a waterproof leopard print purse in which to conceal stiletto weaponry. Evil shark will think I’m going for lip gloss, the better to smooch him with, then… Ker-splunk!
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Tami Clayton said:
A waterproof (because who wants their mermaid shooze getting all wet) purse – a most excellent addition to the plan! Using the ol’ lip gloss switcharoo – total genius. Mermaid it is for you, then!
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Liv Rancourt said:
Mermaid. Didn’t even have to think about this one. Perhaps after all those years on swim team, there’s still a chlorine-addled piece of my soul that’s dying to come to the surface. Heh.
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Tami Clayton said:
You obviously have the heart of a swimmer. At least there’s not any chlorine in the ocean to further addle your soul. 😉
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Kim Griffin said:
At first I was thinking that being a mermaid would be the best. You get to swim in the ocean all the time, have magical powers, live in an underwater royal city, but then I remembered the mermaids in Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides. Those mermaids were a far cry from The Little Mermaid. Scary.
So, I was leaning toward Centaur. After all, I could run as fast as a horse and live in the wilderness. The problem? The bathroom situation.
Back to mermaid. A sweet one with normal teeth, not pointy shark teeth 🙂
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Tami Clayton said:
You can choose to be any kind of mermaid you want. Sweet, evil, pointy teeth or no pointy teeth. It’s all up to you.
I’m thinking centaurs go to the bathroom like any other horse. Though I imagine it would be rather strange to use a public facility or to try to fit one’s self in a porta potty. 🙂
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Brinda said:
I’ll take the mermaid scenario. I’d love to rock a bikini and I haven’t seen one mermaid who doesn’t look fab in one. Is that too superficial?
Plus, I love the ocean, the sunshine, and a man with a trident. Maybe that last one was a stretch. I REALLY do love the first two. Additionally, I wouldn’t have to fix my hair ever again. That is such a chore.
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Tami Clayton said:
Mermaids do rock their bikinis. Good point. I’d like to be able to rock one, too. I don’t think that’s superficial at all. And their hair is long, lustrous, and flowing. I’d like a bit of that as well, thankyouverymuch.
I’m wondering which man with a trident you’re lovin’ on because the only one I can picture is father of the Little Mermaid. Not my type, but then again this is your dream scenario. 😉
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Ellen Gregory said:
Definitely centaur for me too. I’m not much of a swimmer (read never) and I rather like horses.
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Tami Clayton said:
I’m glad I provided a non-swimming option for you. I rather like horses, too, though I don’t have much experience with them.
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Suzanne Stengl said:
MERMAID. It would make scuba diving so much easier!
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Tami Clayton said:
Indeed it would. It would make swimming in the ocean easier in general, that’s for sure.
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Elizabeth Fais said:
I was a scuba diver until I saw JAWS. I am not even kidding. Definitely a centaur for me. I do love the sun and wind in my face, and horses have such a statuesque beauty.
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Tami Clayton said:
That’s too bad JAWS scared you off of scuba diving. I’ve always wanted to try it. I must admit I’ve never seen JAWS. Since I’m going to Hawaii next month, I think I’ll hold off on it for now. As a centaur, you could still frolic on the beach and play in the shallow surf with no fear of sharks. 🙂
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Marcia said:
Centaur for me. Having ridden horse back much of my childhood I enjoyed the exhilarating rush of the gallop, but at times feared being thrown off at high speeds. Being a centaur would alleviate the issue of falling off!
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Tami Clayton said:
Excellent point – being a centaur would solve the problem of falling off. That may be one of the best rationales in favor of the centaur.