Taking Tea in the Kasbah

I’ve been tempted before to participate in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, but haven’t created a post for it until now. For many reasons, this week’s theme, forward, really resonated with me and I immediately thought of a photo that would exemplify the what the word means to me at the moment.

pier, Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina


The ocean, an entity full of life, the unexpected, adventure, and possibility, lures me forward, challenging me to embrace both the familiar and the unknown.


What does the word forward conjure up in you? How would you capture forward in a photo? Have you participated in the Weekly Photo Challenge before? The tea is ready and the pillows have been artfully arranged for your forward-thinking musings. Sit, sip, and share. I always love to hear from you.

28 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward

  1. The first image (depicting forward) that comes to mind for me is a bird taking off in flight, soaring to new heights into a limitless expanse of possibility.

    No, I haven’t taken a WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge yet. But it might be time to start. 😉

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      Tami Clayton said:

      That’s a lovely image, Elizabeth. I like the idea of a “limitless expanse of possibility.”

  2. I’ve been following the wordpress blog for a few weeks now, and have been thinking about participating in some of the weekly challenges. In fact, I intend to follow suit and find a photo that says “forward” — so stay tuned!

    That’s a beautiful photo you’ve shown — I assume you took it, since there’s no photo credit? What’s the story behind it?

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      Tami Clayton said:

      I’m looking forward to your post. (Is it super geeky of me to be grinning over the use of the word forward in that comment? Cuz I am.)

      Thanks for the compliment on the photo. I did take it when I was at Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina this past autumn. My friends and I were out for a walk on the beach one sunny afternoon and we walked underneath this pier. I liked the symmetry of the support posts and how it drew your eye towards the ocean.

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward | Flickr Comments

  4. You are speaking to my soul today, Tami. In the midst of a major readjustment in my life, closing the door on one chapter and turning the page on the next, Forward is my theme.
    Love the picture you posted. For me, I would choose a path through a forest, the sun visible through the leaves, the gravel smooth, with a slight curve so that the end of the path is shrouded with the enticing mystery of what is to come.

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      Tami Clayton said:

      I’m glad the photo and theme spoke to you. Major readjustment is a big theme in my life right now, too, so the photo of the week theme really resonated with me.

      Your imagery is gorgeous. Forest, sunshine filtering down, mystery ahead. I like it. Here’s to our new journeys and all the enticing mysteries that lay ahead! 🙂

  5. I’ve had this open on my desktop all morning, trying to decide what “forward” looked like. I think it would have steps, except that suggests you could go down as well as up. I think maybe it would be a tree, growing, pushing deeper to move up and out.

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      Tami Clayton said:

      It’s fascinating to read what everyone thinks of when they hear the word ‘forward’. You have an interesting duality to both of your ideas – pushing down and growing upwards and stairs that allow for both kinds of movement. Sometimes to go forward, you have to go back or, as your imagery suggests, dig deeper.

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward (5) and Travel Theme: Bridges (1) Istanbul | What's (in) the picture?

  7. FORWARD to me…I’ve been pondering all day.
    Still not sure of a single image, but when I look at the tunnels the deer have forged in the high snow as they trek up and down the mountain behind our home. I think of moving forward.

    Then I look inside the house and look at the stacks of wood being “seasoned” before installation and I see forward. It’s been a hard two weeks since the pipes burst and knowing the subfloors we’ve been living with will soon be covered is definitely FORWARD movement!

    Great post, Tami. I’m off to sign on to the wordpress blog.

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      Tami Clayton said:

      Thanks, Judythe! Such great scenes of ‘forward’, especially the deer moving through tunnels of snow. Pipes bursting? Yikes. I’m glad you’re moving forward with getting your subfloors covered again! 🙂

  8. on ,
    Marcia said:

    The first image I had of “forward” took me back to Costa Rica, gliding through beautiful tropical country side on horse back. I can still feel the power of the horse’s galloping body under me and the wind in my hair.
    By the way your photo is great!

    • on ,
      Tami Clayton said:

      Oh, the picture you paint of riding horseback in Costa Rica! Now I want to go there even more. What a great memory. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Pingback: 2-26-13 Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward (Rockwell Edition) | The Quotidian Hudson

  10. That is a beautiful photo. It could also suggest “journey”. Something mystical about it.
    For me, the first thing that flashed through my mind for FORWARD was a photo of a toddler, walking, intent on his destination. With not a clue or a care about where he ended up.

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      Tami Clayton said:

      I agree, ‘journey’ is another great word for the photo. I like your imagery of the toddler moving forwarding in the world without a care in the world. Mystery and mysticism in a few baby steps. Precious. 🙂

  11. I’ve not participated the the photo challenge. I love this scene and the symbolism. It makes you want to walk down the length of this frame until the water touches your feet.

    Forward. It means focusing on a goal ahead and walking the path to get there. If you sit down (and remain unchanged), you will stagnate in these waters.

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      Tami Clayton said:

      Thanks, Brinda. “Forward. It means focusing on a goal ahead and walking the path to get there. If you sit down (and remain unchanged), you will stagnate in these waters.” Exactly. I would rather head down a path that isn’t quite right than to remain cautiously stagnant. There’s far too much adventure to be had out there to idle in one place. Forward, ever forward I shall go.

  12. I love the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge! I try to do it every week, although I don’t always succeed. Love your photo. Check mine out, if you’re so inclined. 😉

    • on ,
      Tami Clayton said:

      Thanks! So glad you stopped by to check out my photo. Your photo is quite lovely, too. 🙂

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward (8 Skateboard) | What's (in) the picture?

  14. Pingback: Anne Arundel gardener on starting sweet potatoesbeyond back creek

    • on ,
      Tami Clayton said:

      Many thanks for the compliment and comment. 🙂

  15. Pingback: Moving Forward – A Personal Struggle | Beyond Beauty Tips

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