In last week’s question, I asked y’all to consider whether you would choose to be thirteen years old forever or sixty-five years old forever. And once again, creativity abounds in the kasbah. Some people were solidly in the thirteen year-old camp and some people had no hesitation signing up for sixty-five for eternity. And still others took the bull by the horns, wrestled him to the ground and declared themselves the winner by claiming the wisdom of the sexagenarian as well as the youthful spunk of the teenager.
Like I said, creativity poureth over from the comments section. I am one lucky Queen to preside over such a quirky queendom.
So, what did I choose for my age forever and ever? Given that I’m struggling with this aging thing, I wasn’t at all surprised that I was looking backwards at the years of my youth and wondering if I could do thirteen again for, like, ever. When I was thirteen, I was the truest definition of awkward as a teenager could be. By then, the painful shyness had kicked in full force, all but eclipsing any memory of my once more outgoing younger years.
Not having reached sixty-five, I have no basis for comparison. Because of the ways this body is moving though the decades in a less than graceful manner, I feel pretty confident in choosing the teenager option. And like some of you crafty readers, I shall take with me the hard-earned wisdom I have now back to my thirteen year-old self. It’s a good thing I keep a journal and blog. They will become valuable resources to read, provided I can stop rolling my eyes at all of it when I’m thirteen again.
On to this week’s question:
At your Thanksgiving dinner (or any large dinner party or gathering with extended family), would you rather have to talk with your relativesΒ about
– OR –
Which taboo dinner party topic would you choose? Sit, sip, and share. I always love to hear from you. And, for those who are celebrating it, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!
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Gloria Richard Author said:
I’d take the chicken-pooh route on this one, Tami.
“Please enjoy your view of the part in my hair as I make a spiritual connection with my mashed potatoes, and ponder the serenity with which the pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving before the advent of a place we call Washington, D.C.”
Hey, Sherry! When you get here. I’ve already written 1200 words this morning. There is no need for the C-R-A-C-K! of the WIP Whip.
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Sherry Isaac said:
How did I get pulled into Gloria’s comment?
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Tami Clayton said:
I was wondering the same thing… π
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Gloria Richard Author said:
Because I knew you (Sherry) would show up in the Kasbah and I’m not supposed to be on blogs until I finish two hours of writing in the morning.
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Tami Clayton said:
“… and ponder the serenity with which the pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving before the advent of a place we call Washington, D.C.β – Well said, Gloria. Though I’d bet at least one pilgrim cracked a joke at the expense of the British while passing the mashed potatoes. You know there was at least one trouble maker at the table.
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patgarcia said:
I really have no problem with either topic. I know what I think and even though I may listen to other people’s opinions, I don’t let them change my own.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
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Tami Clayton said:
I like that you said you *listen* to other’s opinions, even if you don’t let them directly influence what you think or believe. Hot topics like politics and religion seem to have the effect of making some people close their ears as well as their minds to other’s thoughts on the topics.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
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Laird Sapir said:
Oh…which is the lesser dinner-conversation evil? I guess I’d choose politics, because if you are going to have fireworks, you might as well go big, right?
(I’ll hide under the table with my bedazzler, craftily sneaking rhinestones onto the socks of those present.)
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Tami Clayton said:
Go big or go home. Or in your case, under the table with a fully loaded bedazzler. If I see an entire family wearing bedazzled socks, I’ll know those are your people.
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Brinda Berry (@Brinda_Berry) said:
I’m sorry, but I’d have to run screaming from the house at the thought of either. You realize that you are invoking the wrath of some person in a family who cannot discuss but must emotionally defend their opinions.
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Tami Clayton said:
You’re obviously not alone in your desire to run screaming from having to discuss either topic. It’s too bad that two of the most influential topics in our society are so difficult for many people to discuss without becoming defensive or hostile. We all could learn so much from each other by listening and asking questions, even if we disagree.
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marcia said:
Neither topic would be dinner-appropriate in my family! Too many opinions and not much grey with black and white issues. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Tami Clayton said:
Those would be difficult to discuss in your family from what you’ve told me! You always do such a great job navigating things like that, though. You must be a therapist or something. π
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Sherry Isaac said:
Though not a religious holiday, Thanksgiving is, for me, a natural time to discuss religion. Politics? I’d volunteer to load the dishwasher.
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Tami Clayton said:
The spirituallity of thankfulness certainly goes hand in hand. Politics? I don’t know many people who would say they are thankful for that. I’d be with you at the dishwasher, though I wouldn’t be able to completely tune out a discussion. I may even have to toss an opinion in from time to time.
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Elizabeth Fais said:
I’d have to choose politics over religion, but I’d have the earbuds of my iPhone craftily hidden in each ear and the music cranked up full blast. Then it would be kind if fun to watch the agitated participants fling food stuffs at one another. Note to self: Be sure to wear a waterproof rain slicker with hood to said gathering.
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Tami Clayton said:
Good idea with the earbuds, Elizabeth. I hope you have a face shield to go with that rain coat for such gatherings. Getting a carrot in the eye is no fun. π
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Barbara Forte Abate said:
I’m far too polite to bring up either of these firecracker topics, HOWEVER, if someone else does, and they steer into the land of Ridiculous, or All out Falsehoods, I’m instantly prepared to Lock-and-Load both barrels in the span of a split second. You know, just as a public service to educate the ignorant. π π π
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Tami Clayton said:
To be a fly on the wall when that happens… I do so love to observe the education process. π
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Brandy Heineman said:
Either one is fair game at our table, so for me it’s a question of which I’d first give up. I don’t mind talking politics, but I could survive the meal without it. π
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Tami Clayton said:
You are one of the lucky few who have commented saying it’s all game. It really is a shame that more families can’t discuss religion and politics in a civil, supportive way. What a different world we’d live in if that were the case. π