Dear Tami,
If I’m to take the expletives in your letter to me as any indication, I’d say you’ve had quite a week. To feel discouraged about your first chosen career is one thing, but disillusioned, too? That’s no good. It’s unfortunate that ethics and principles are being compromised where you work in order to stay afloat on the sea of unwanted and forced change. That would be tough to witness in a profession devoted to helping others. Disillusionment indeed.
But sometimes, as difficult as it is to accept, searching for meaning where there really isn’t any is as useful as banging your head against a wall. In the end, you’re without answers and left with a pounding headache. So what can you do when you feel like your hands are tied?
(No, not that. Unless Moriarty is involved. Then you should reconsider.)
You could be an idle observer of the changes and decide to go along with it for the sake of not rocking the boat. There’s merit in that option because there’s more at stake than just your own interest in preserving the integrity of the profession.
But if I know you, that just won’t do. So instead of becoming complicit in a system being bullied into compliance by the insurance companies, you could do some research, gather information, and when the timing is right become the Maverick Marplot of Mental Health. Right the wrongs of the insurance companies who keep people from getting the treatment they need. Uncover. Expose. (No, not that kind of uncover and expose.) If needed, you could wear a mask while doing it. I know how you like to seize opportunities to wear one of your disguises. Whatever it takes.
And since we’re on the topic of disguises, even though I’ve been busy working in Oklahoma on August: Osage County, I haven’t noticed anyone wearing something that might be a disguise, so I think it’s safe to say you haven’t been in the cities in which we are filming. That’s just as well. It’s better for you to stay focused on finishing that novel. Besides, I’ll be skipping back across the pond for a bit to participate in the Palace to Palace London 2012 bike ride on October 14th. I’ll bike the 45 miles from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle to raise funds in honour of the Prince’s Trust which helps disadvantaged youth in the UK. (If you know of anyone interested in donating on my behalf, my fundraising page is the place to do so.)
While I’ve been very busy lately, don’t think I have forgotten about the Writing Cave’s Theme Song Search. This next suggestion is perhaps not an everyday sort of theme song. It’s just for those times when a little levity (or a whiskey and water) is needed.
Speaking of whiskey, how’s the novel coming along? I expect to receive word any day now stating that you’ve finished and are ready to allow me into the inner sanctum of the writing cave. I do realize it takes longer than a couple of weeks to write a novel, but I have faith you’ll get this one done rather quickly.
Wishful thinking? Maybe.
But then I haven’t given up on finding the writing cave yet, have I?
Subversively yours,
*Editor’s note: The views, ideas, and opinions expressed in the Letters from Benedict series are works of fiction and obviously did not come from the actor himself. This series is just my way of expressing adoration for Mr. Cumberbatch and his work and is not intended to be seen or read as a true collaborative writing endeavor with him.
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Brinda Berry (@Brinda_Berry) said:
The Whiskey song is a new one for me. May I suggest another artist? How about Paulo Nutini. Look him up on YouTube. I have his album, These Streets.
Tami, I hope next week is grand and invigorating for you. We shall throw last week under the rug.
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Tami Clayton said:
Just listened to three songs in a row by Paolo Nutini. Thanks for the fab recommendation! He’s wonderful. (And a cutie to boot!)
And yes, last week can go under the rug upon which I will dance with Paolo. (You don’t mind, do you?) 😉
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livrancourt said:
Maverick Marplot of Mental Health.
In a Cat Woman suit.
It’s SO you!
Hang in there, baby…
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Tami Clayton said:
Thanks, Liv. I was ridiculously excited to finally have a legit use for the word marplot, so there’s that. I think I shall sew it into my Cat Woman suit.
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marcia said:
The Cat Woman suit would get a standing ovation at the next all staff meeting! It is so you, Tami!
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Tami Clayton said:
Ha! I think I gave everyone a good enough laugh to last a long while at the staff retreat. 🙂